Sunday, February 4, 2007

Scheduling Assistant

Our first piece of software will be a scheduling assistant.


penguind said...

After our meeting, I think we have a basic idea of our ultimate goal for the project: to create an application that allows users to enter their CRN numbers (or manually enter the classes' data) and have all the possible schedule outcomes be presented. We may also add options such as no friday classes, no classes before 9 am, etc.. For phase one, correct me if I am wrong, we are going to get a basic menu system going with a calendar that accepts classes and presents them in a very simple way (chronologically in text or something similar).

penguinGreg said...

yup i think thats where we're going. Once we have a usable "calandar" we can put in a validator to check that classes don't overlap, necessary labs are signed up for, etc.; and then we'll be ready to work on the actual permutation code.

Also, even if we won't have time to work on it this semester, I think eventual expansion into related markets such as managing part time employee's hours should also stay a key part of our business plan