Monday, February 5, 2007

Software Development Conference

between penguind, penguin greg, and Emperor Penguin went great yesterday. We came up with basic ideas for the schedule assistant, and discussed issues such as how to tie it in so that students from any school can use it just by the name of their school.

I also had a thought about marketing. Facebook (either buying ads on Facebook or guerilla marketing to friends who will hopefully tell their friends about it, who will tell their friends about it ...


penguinGreg said...

i think thats a great idea, especially if we function as a stand-alone website unaffiliated with the school and not connected to registration.

Speaking of facebook, i think i remember that on facebook if you choose to display your courses they already have most of them in the system, so obviously they must have found a not-to-labor-intensive way to get all that entered in.
maybe they just let the first user define their own courses, and then if someone else comes along typing the same course info they are shown to the pre-existing ones.
If we're an independent website, saving other users' input like that is probably a good way for us to cut down on users' average setup time. We would just have to give some kind of warning that previous users may have screwed up and gotten the Labs (or whatever) confused, and thus the stored courses should be double checked. If enough users got on board, we'd have the wikipedia-effect and things would get pretty accurate.

penguind said...

Another thing that I thought about when I was writing the paragraph: we could release a demo of the application to students (via a website) where they manually enter the classes and times. This way, if it is not widely accepted/liked, the only money spent is on domain space PLUS we will have an opportunity to improve the produce before attempting to sell liscense agreements.

penguinGreg said...

yeah, the more i think about, the more i think that the bulk of our traffic would come directly and without incorporation into school websites

another thing i thought of while writing my paragraph: we could take advantage of the the social-networking trend by allowing users to create a brief profile and friend lists (maybe partner somehow with facebook?) so that while presenting a user with possible schedules, we could tell them how many of their friends are signing up for the same classes, allowing students to consider that as well